My cupcakes
Deb's cuppacakkes
These are pics from last Sat. Deb, Reb, and Joyce went over for a cuppie class by Miss Eunice from Dolce Cupcakes. Do check out web. Anyway, the great sifu Miss Eunice taught us buttercream swirls and roses, fondant piggies, and other things. Yes, I did buy a Wilton 1m from Chang Tung on the way home! Even had dessert of crunchy, crumbly, Apple crumble... yums. Thanks Eunice for the class. Hope for another class soon!
Anyway, that night I came from church with a huge but fun task - 49 cuppies for churcht tmrw. Used the swirls and fondant skills.
The set:
Design 1: The swirl... or whatever it's called!
Design 2 A star-tip flower with a choc curl... for aunties who don't like too much frosting!
Design 3: Fondant flowers (see above, they are the white ones)